So my Name is Dave and I was inspired by a friend of mine to take on this little task. I'd like to consider myself a film maker by trade even though I work at a television company. I make short films here and there when I can and I stick mostly to writing screenplays.
I wanted to do this because I seem to have hit the point in my movie watching career where I feel like I've seen everything worth while...and that couldn't be farther from the truth. Inspiration is a tough thing to come by these days because of the simple fact that I don't seem to be looking hard enough.
So many movies come and go from theaters and I never give them the slightest chance. It's the same with movies on the video store shelf or coming from Netflix. I just find myself not wanting to give a lot of films the time of day. Hopefully this will push me to give these films the chance they deserve.
To forewarn you (Whoever may be reading this) I can guarantee you one thing....most of these movies will be Horror films. I am an avid horror film fan and consider myself to be somewhat of an elitist on the subject. My spectrum however is not so broad, as I turn down more horror films then I actually see. I hate horror films out of Hollywood as of late (they all seem to be shitty ghost movies) but there are plenty of Indy ones and older ones out there.
I won't watch any films that I remember to any degree more so then maybe who was in it or what the general plot was. So I will only watch movies I've never seen or haven't seen since I was a kid.
If the movie is so bad that it deems being shut off, I will at least watch half of it for it to be counted as the movie for that day.
After viewing the movie, I will write a review and what I felt were the strong or poor characteristics of the story.
If I happen to miss a film, I will try and double up on day when I have time to catch up.
So, this is the setup and this is the goal. I don't begin until either Friday or Saturday when I get my Netflix movies back in. So until then....PEACE. LETS DO THIS THING!
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